Welcome to RapidResponse the UK's trusted online legal advice service from Lawyers4U.
Using RapidResponse couldn't be easier. It's completely free to browse the website and review all of our areas of expertise, review the sample questions and learn about our range of services.
You can start by reading through the 7 broad legal categories on the left. Within each section you will find more detailed sections of law, to help guide your legal query.
Once you have selected the appropriate category, simply fill out our simple question form and submit payment using a credit or debit card and our team will response swiftly.

Please note our secure payment processor is PayPal UK. You do not require a PayPal account to make payment to Lawyers4U - you can simply use your credit or debit card.
How It Works
Once we have received your query with submitted payment, it will be processed for the attention of a barrister.
You can then expect a detailed response pertaining to your exact legal scenario.
The answer will be built within the framework of UK law, highlighting important aspects for consideration and offering strategies for moving forward.
Below are links to sample questions and answers:
This advice service is intended for reference only and should not be used in lieu of full legal counsel.
*Our same day service is dependant upon time of submission of the legal query.
See Terms and Conditions for full details.