Exclusion Clauses Advice Online

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Exclusion Clauses Explained

A clause may be inserted into the terms of a contract which purports to exclude or financially limit one parties liability for breach of contract, misrepresentation or negligence.

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Sample Questions

  • “… [whilst] out shopping with my wife… I parked my car in privately run car park… the owners were having some building work done on site… a dumper truck which the car park owners had hired damaged my car… the car park owners have refused to pay me for the damage stating that because they had a sign stating owners park at their own risk they are not liable for any damage to vehicles…"


  • “… I recently bought a dress from [ high street fashion chain ]… I paid cash and took the dress home…there I decided it was not quite right for me and decided to return it for a refund the next day… the store refused to refund me my money saying that it was policy only to offer credit notes for the value of any returned item… they then pointed out a small sign in the shop stating this policy… I feel cheated and would like to know my rights in this matter…”



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