Posts Tagged ‘grievance’

Employee Grievance Meetings – What to expect

Sunday, May 9th, 2010

If you have a grievance with your employer you should attempt to resolve the grievance informally. However, if the grievance cannot be solved informally, you should raise a formal grievance with your employer following your employer’s formal procedures for grievances.

You should write to your employer setting out the exact nature of your grievance, providing as much information and evidence as possible to substantiate your grievance.

Your employer must then arrange an initial meeting at a reasonable time and place to discuss your grievance.

It is important to ensure that you prepare for the meeting. It may be helpful for you to make a list of the issues you wish to discuss with your employer during the meeting.

Your employer will guide the meeting and will normally go through the issues that you have raised and give you the opportunity to comment. The main purpose of the meeting should be to try to establish the facts and find a way to resolve the grievance.

You have a legal right to take a companion to the meeting with you. To exercise this right, you must make a request to your employer that someone comes with you. They may be a colleague, a trade union representative or a trade union official. A companion can take notes during the meeting and can talk to your employer on your behalf.

After the meeting, your employer should write to you to give you their decision. If you are unhappy with your employer’s decision you are entitled to request a further meeting in order to resolve the grievance.