Employers and Occupiers Liability Advice Online

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Employers and Occupiers Liability Explained

This section deals with the duty of care owed to employees by employers and the liability of an occupier to those who lawfully come onto his land.

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Sample Questions

  • “…for 20 years my job has demanded scrutiny of very small detailing for quality inspection…my eyesight is now suffering…our employers have never provided any magnifying tools to aid in our duties.. are they negligent…"


  • “… I have been diagnosed with migraine for 8 years …I suffer very painful attacks which leave me bedridden for days…it has recently come to light that my attacks are triggered by the fluorescent lighting in our office…"


  • “…I am a independent contractor…recently I was given keys to a building to carry out some work on what I presumed was an unoccupied sight… inside I was attacked by a guard dog suffering bites to my hands and legs… the owners have said I should have been more careful as there were warning signs…they say because of this they are not liable…I was unable to work for 2 weeks…”



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